
学術論文(Peer Reviewed Journal Articles)

  1. Moushumi Tazen, Naoto Sasaoka, and Yoshiharu Okamoto, “Non-Contact Heart Rate Measurement Based on Adaptive Notch Filter and Elimination of Respiration Harmonics,” IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 46107-46119, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3272895.

査読付き国際会議(Peer Reviewed Conference Papers)

  1. Kosuke Yoshinaga, Miyuki Azuma, Naoto Sasaoka, and Ryota Shimokura, “Evaluation of Filtered-x LMS Active Noise Control Using Cartilage Conduction,” Proc. 2023 International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia, pp. 62-65, Aug. 2023, doi:10.34385/proc.77.RS2-7.
  2. Moushumi Tazen, and Naoto Sasaoka, “Non-Contact Heart Rate Measurement Based on One-dimension Bispectrum Estimation,” Proc. 2023 International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia, pp. 144-147, Aug. 2023, doi:10.34385/proc.77.RS4-5.
  3. Itsuki Kojima, Hajime Kobayashi, and Naoto Sasaoka, “Virtual-Sensing for Active Noise Control Using Reflected Waves,” 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Monterey, CA, USA, May 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ISCAS46773.2023.10182140.

学会発表等(Technical Reports)

  1. 本庄巧実, 笹岡直人, “ALEを導入した適応ノッチフィルタの周波数推定精度改善に関する一検討,” 信学技報, vol. 123, no. 296, SIS2023-36, pp. 67-70, 2023年12月.
  2. 小林元, 小島一輝, 笹岡直人, “バーチャルセンシングのための適応フィルタ更新に関する一検討,” 信学技報, vol. 122, no. 410, SIS2022-53, pp. 70-74, 2023年3月.